History of SNA Toronto - SNA Toronto

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History of SNA Toronto
2014SNA Toronto - A Model Organisation
SNA Toronto aims to be a model organisation with well-defined social and educational objects, its own core values and guiding principles. The focus of the organisation is to inform and educate those with interest in the Unitive philosophy of Sree Narayana Guru and to prepare citizens for multicultural co-existence in Canadian society.
SNA recognises its obligation to pay back to Canadian society for the security, peace and covetable quality of life offered to citizens by the Government of Canada. In return we are organised as SNA also to operate with high awareness of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and extend our assistance in the sustainable development of the Greater Toronto Area (GTA).
SNA is a transparently open organisation, where membership and admission to events and initiatives are open to any individual of good standing; where management positions and leadership opportunities are open based solely on meritocracy and sans prejudices. In practice, SNA is an organisation that remains inspired by and follows Narayana Guru’s words of wisdom:
“Without racial prejudice
Without religious malice
Hither shall be
A model abode
Where all of humanity
In brotherhood thrive.” 

As a knowledge-focused organisation, SNA works on initiatives which include socio-cultural education and knowledge creation and dissemination. SNA also works on continually improving its internal operating processes with a view to enduring the value of SNA as a social organ and going concern, notwithstanding the transient generations that lead and manage the organisation from time to time.maintains its CSR commitment to the Greater Toronto Area by continuing its annual food drive, park cleaning and tree planting activities.
Strategic Restructuring and Other Initiatives
In early 2013 the General Body of SNA resolved to review the Constitution and make revisions where necessary to clearly define the objects of the organisation, and to align SNA’s mission and objects. As part of this initiative, a strategic planning workshop was conducted with the Trustees and members of the relevant committees. The outcome of the strategic planning exercise was reflected as revisions to SNA’s Constitution. SNA decided to move towards becoming a knowledge-based learning organisation that is open to all who are respectful of Sree Narayana Guru’s Unitive philosophy, and to work towards becoming a votary of multiculturalism.
Annually, SNA organises two park cleaning events in fall and spring. SNA members and youngsters volunteer for this activity. SNA regularly promotes similar activities to build a clean and green environment and nurture a socially responsible young generation of activists.
In December each year, SNA continues to hold the food drive commenced in 2012. In December 2013 SNA donated food to Knights Table Food Bank in Brampton. SNA takes pride in the steady and increasing support from donors, and appreciates their noble gesture of compassion and brotherhood.
SNA participated in the ongoing goal of the City of Mississauga’s strategic plan of planting one million trees by 2032. Since 2013, SNA’s volunteers actively participate in this drive. In 2013, out of 40 participating small organisations, SNA was ranked 15th by www.onemilliontrees.ca
Broadening of activities
SNA also works on continually improving its internal operating processes with a view to enduring the value of SNA as a social organ and going concern, notwithstanding the transient generations that lead and manage the organisation from time to time maintains its CSR commitment to the Greater Toronto Area by continuing its annual food drive, park cleaning and tree planting activities.
Formalisation of Operations
Since 2011 SNA has been holding its statutory Annual General Meeting (AGM) in March of ever following calendar year, filing its regulatory reports and complying with the Ontario Ministry of Government Services and the Canada Revenue Agency. The SNA’s Board of Trustees and members of the SNA’s Executive Committee are elected by the General Body of members at the AGM.
Registration and Renaming
In 2010, the SNM began to legalise its existence as an entity, drafting its first Constitution and seeking registration in the Province of Ontario. In connection with the company registration formalities, the name of the Corporation was revised to Sree Narayana Association (‘SNA’). On 10 August 2010 Sree Narayana Association was registered as a Not-for-Profit Ontario Corporation. SNA started to conduct indoor events on festive occasions and outdoor picnics involving sports activities.
Formation of SNM
The founding members, and other members who had joined since 2004, came together in February 2006 to create a more formal organisation. They wanted to live the message of universal brotherhood. Invariably the choice was to create an organisation in honour of the revered wisdom teacher and philosopher of modern times, Sree Narayana Guru. It was resolved to name the organisation Sree Narayana Mission (‘SNM’). The objects of the SNM at that time was mainly to extend a body of friendship, to assemble and celebrate occasions such as the festivals of Vishu and Onam and, where possible, to extend mutual support for members and newcomers to Canada in need of employment advisory and cultural adjustment in their new homeland.
The Sree Narayana Association of Toronto (‘SNA’) can trace its origins to October 2004. The organisation took shape from the social gatherings of a group of friends and their families that saw the need for a social platform that was open to all who are respectful of Sree Narayana Guru’s teachings.
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