Guru the Unknown Pages:54 Book Summary:An exemplary collection of English essays by Swamy John Spiers on Narayana Guru. Swami John Spiers (1907-1979) was a Scotsman attracted to the life and teachings of Narayana Guru. Although the young John Spiers arrived in India in 1930, two years after the Mahasamadhi (passing away) of Narayana Guru, it was John’s chance meeting with P. Natarajan (Nataraja Guru) in 1937 that attracted John to the Narayana Gurukula Movement and changed the course of his life. Destiny had it that John would live unto death in India for the cause of two gurus - to assist Nataraja Guru to accomplish the Gurukula Movement, and in unconditional dedication to disseminate Narayana Guru’s values for the rest of his life.