Chandogya Upanishad Pages: 586 Book Summary: The Chandogya Upanishad is the most intriguing of all the Upanishads. It begins with directing the priests of a Soma-yaga to see the hidden wisdom and significance of what they perform and recite as a brute ritual. This sublimating of ritualism gradually leads us to perceiving the entire life system as a yajna held in and performed by Brahman. The next step of this perception is leads us to "sarvam khalvidam brahma" or everything indeed is Brahman. The enquiry as to what Brahman is begins. The answer we arrive at is"Tat tvam asi" (That thou art). This books offers extensive commentary on this text, gives the original texts in Sanskrit, their Roman transliteration and the commentary for each verse as interpreted by Guru Muni Narayana Prasad.